Category: Book Reviews

  • Magic of Self-Expression in The House on Mango Street Book

    Magic of Self-Expression in The House on Mango Street Book

    When I started The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, I had no idea what to expect. I had heard it was a series of vignettes about the life of a Latino girl living in Chicago, but that was all I knew. After reading it, here’s my book review. What is The Book About?…

  • Book Review: Faces of Love in The Silvered Serpents

    Book Review: Faces of Love in The Silvered Serpents

    I recently finished The Gilded Wolves (read my review on that here: )and fell in love with the characters in that book. After that, I went and picked up the Silvered Serpents straight away. I was excited to be swept away in the wondrous world that Roshani Chokshi crafts with her words. I always…

  • Emily Henry’s “Funny Story” – a Sparkling Romance Full of Heart

    Emily Henry’s “Funny Story” – a Sparkling Romance Full of Heart

    Hands down, Emily Henry is the queen of romance. I’ve read all of her other books except for People We Meet On Vacation, and fell in love with each one. I’d say so far, Book Lovers is my favorite (which is a bit of an unpopular opinion). When I saw she released a new book,…

  • Book Review: Decadent Magic in The Gilded Wolves

    Book Review: Decadent Magic in The Gilded Wolves

    I’m a sucker for found-family fantasy heist books. (It’s a specific niche, but there’s so many amazing books in it). I’ve read and loved Mistborn and Six of Crows. Plus, Roshani Chokshi’s first adult book- The Last Tale of the Flower Bride – haunted me in the best way possible after I finished it. So,…

  • Book Review: “None of This is True” by Lisa Jewell

    Book Review: “None of This is True” by Lisa Jewell

    This was my first time reading a Lisa Jewell book. The famous thriller author’s newest debut was definitely an explosive one.

  • The Magic of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles Book by Murakami

    The Magic of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles Book by Murakami

    The Wind Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami is a haunting, surreal story that warps our known reality into a different one entirely. This book made me ask many philosophical questions about my own life – things I didn’t even think about before. Here’s my book review. Book Overview We follow Toru Okada as he…

  • One to Watch Book – a Powerful, Stand-Out Romance

    One to Watch Book – a Powerful, Stand-Out Romance

    WOW. I just finished reading One to Watch, and I gave this book a solid 5 stars. Here’s my book review! The Book’s Setting This book is a vibrant romance story with an unconventional setting, a reality TV show. Our main character, Bea Schumacher, stars as the first plus size woman on “Main Squeeze” (the…